I got my first collie in 1977 and Dolmaris collies were established in 1982 in Estonia.
The first litter was born in 1981 under the suffix Dewger. In 1991, after passing the course for conformation judging and trainee period I got the judging rights for the rough collie. Since then I have been judging collies in Estonia, Lithuania, Russia, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Ireland, and the United Kingdom. We keep at home only limited number of dogs as all our dogs are also family members and we have litters only occasionally. Our family lived for 22 years in Finland and only recently we have returned to our homeland, Estonia. Besides showing I have trained my collies for obedience, search, agility and herding but never competed much. I think that keeping the herding instinct in the breed is important for the true collie character. My goal is to breed sound, smart and healthy collies according to the breed standard. I prefer the active and lively type of collie character, easy to teach and quick to learn, doing the job asked for. For character breeding I follow my own observations and practice as well as the results of herding tests and other available tests. After the overall soundness the true collie must have the typical expression and head qualities.
We live 30 km west of the capital of Estonia, Tallinn near the seaside.
I hope you enjoy the visit here,
Mari Maria Palgi mpalgi at me.com